FORTe’FIED > 2017 > December

A Healthy Divorce!

OK. So I made you click to see what's in store. I am not advocating getting a divorce from an individual but from things that are not furthering your goal - those things that waste our time. Do you know what the number one culprit of...

The Power of Mastication

When I was at school I wanted to be a farmer. This is 99.9% due to the fact that I had a passionate agricultural science teacher who lit up everytime he spoke about animals, plants and diseases. His name was Mr Aggrey. He taught so...

Are you Coasting?

Hope you are well and getting your stride on in the second quarter of the year. How time flies. A huge welcome to all new graduates of the Vision Board Workshop. I hope you find these newsletters a welcomed addition to your development process. Today, I'd like...

Be Bold, Be Brave

This week on Instagram, our challenge has been to be bold and brave. If you didn't know that, why aren't you following me on Instagram? LOL. Over the past few weeks and as I face my coaching practice squarely, I have found myself telling various people...